Information • Compassion • Support

Welcome to Choices Pregnancy Center

Helping women navigate pregnancies with accurate information, free services, and unwavering support.

Pregnant woman holding her hands on top of her belly


Explore essential services

Discover the support and resources we offer to make your journey smoother and more empowering .



Experience peace of mind with our free and limited ultrasound services. Confirm your pregnancy and get important information about your baby’s health.

Free services



Join our free educational classes covering topics ranging from prenatal care to parenting skills. Earn points for attending and gain valuable knowledge to support your journey.

Class schedule


Baby boutique

Redeem points earned from attending classes for essential baby supplies at our Baby Boutique. From clothes to formula, we’ve got you covered.

Learn more

“So far the information that has been provided is great. Not only do I feel safe but I feel like family. The help that is offered is amazing as well. The classes are easy going and very informative.”


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We're here to help - reach out to us today!